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Sentinel Group is Recognized as a Top Charitable Contributor in Massachusetts

We are honored to once again be recognized on the Boston Business Journal’s list of top charitable contributors in Massachusetts. This year, a record 107 companies achieved this distinction by paying out at least $100,000 in cash contributions to MA-based charities and social-service nonprofits in 2019.

“We launched Sentinel Cares in 2014 and our employees have embraced our unique programming and authentic relationships with the non-profit organizations and people who benefit from their volunteerism and philanthropy. Corporate Citizenship continues to challenge us to develop our culture of servant leadership,” says Michael Newhall, Vice President of Business and Community Development. “This past year we chose the theme “Invest in Kindness” and this unified belief has helped us all focus our efforts on the growth and well-being of the communities in which we belong.”

This is the fourth consecutive year that SentinelCares has been recognized on this list. Awards will be presented at a virtual event hosted by the Boston Business Journal on September 10.

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